Unleashing the drama in Black and White by Vanelli
  1. Vanelli's Gallery
  2. The Capture, Edit, & Create Series
  3. Unleashing the drama in Black and WhiteUnleashing the drama in Black and White
Belinda Carr- Black, White and Red
A street in Edinburgh, Scotland with iconic red phone booths.
Belinda Carr, Black and White
Moon Bridge in Japanese Tea Garden
Bill Boehm.Rose 003
Black and white landscape


Put these tips into practice by embarking on a black and white photography assignment. Find a subject or scene that has the potential for drama and emotion. Experiment with different lighting conditions, compositions, and angles to capture the moment's essence. Remember to focus on contrast, textures, simplicity, lines and shapes, and the emotional impact of your chosen subject. Finally, review and select your best black-and-white images, and share them with others to elicit their reactions and interpretations.

Belinda Carr- Black, White and Red Belinda Carr, Black and White Bill Boehm.Rose 003 Luna (c)_critter_drama_in_bw Black and white landscape
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